John Stuart to Moses Austin, 12-05-1801

Summary: Receipt for consignment of lead to be sold at Louisville, Ky.

Received from Moses Austin forty Two Boxes Shott supposed to Contain Eight Thousand and Two Boxes Small Barr lead Two Hundred each Shiped on Board a Boat now at the Port of St. Genvieve and Bound for Lewis Vill Kentucky John Gattar pattroon consigned to myself with which Lead of shott I am to proceed to the Said town of Lewis Vill and either there or at such places in Kentucky as may best answer for the Disposal of said Cargo sell and Exchange the same to the best advantage in my power for the proper Acct- and risque of Moses Austin and Co of the said Town of St. Genevieve Agreeable to the orders received from the said Austin and return with the same to the said port of St Genvieve the Dangers of the River excepted and Other Unavoidable losses not Arousing from Neglect—Also Recevd at same time fifty Dollars in Cash for the payment of the Duties of said Cargo—

John Stuart

St. Genvieve Decr. 5 1801