Solomon Dally to Moses Austin, 12-24-1811

Summary: Moses Austin in account with Solomon Dally.

Dr Moses Austin Esqr in Acct with Solomon Dally


Apl 18 To Assumption for Baldwin________________ 1. 00

Sept 24 " School subscription__________________ 1. 50

Dec 24 " Ditto Ditto__________________________ 4. 50 _________ $10. 00

Due M A and Co __________________________ 20. 2 1/2 __________ 30. 2 1/2

Cr 1811 $ cts

June 3 By my order pr J. Downer_________________ . 56 1/4 6 " l pr Scissors_________________________ . 50

Augt. 30 " 1 lb Sugar___________________________ . 50

Sept. 22 " 2 lb Ditto @ 50_____________________ 1. 00 26 " 1 yd Shambry @ 100__________________ . 25

Oct 6 " in lb Beef @ 4_______________________ . 46 15 " 1 lb Ginger @ 50____________________ . 25 16 " 2 lb Sugar @ 50______________________ 1. 00 21 " Merchandise_________________________ 23. 00

Nov 2 " Shoing horse________________________ 1. 25 7 " 1 lb Wool____________________________ . 50 ____________ $29. 27 1/4 " upseting Axe_________________________ . 50 ____________ $29. 77 1/4 10. 00 ____________ 19. 77 1/4 " th yd Velvet @ 2.00____________________ . 25 ____________ 30. 02 1/4 10. 00 ____________ Balance due you______________________________________ 20. 02 1/4