Bank of St Louis to Stephen F. Austin, 12-22-1818

Summary: Statement of Stephen F. Austin's account with the Bank of St Louis, with interest to December 22, 1818.

Statement of Stephen F Austin's account with the Bank of St Louis, with interest to December 22nd 1818

His note payable 30 September last___________________________________________________ 4, 271. 67

Balance of his account overdrawn-____________________________________________________ 162. 55

Interest on $4,271 67/100 from Sep 30th to Dec 22.nd is 2 mos 22 days____ 58. 38

on 162 55/100 from Sep 12th to Dec 22nd is 3 mos 10 days_________________ 2. 70 ________ 61. 08 _____________ $4, 495. 30