Stephen F. Austin to Unknown, 03-29-1819

Summary: Accounts.

1819 Mch 23 Lyman Chadwick Dr for Horse 40 paid T. H. Ficklin 27.75__________________ 67. 75 Drury Green Dr To paid S. Perry and Co 30.15 James Bryan Dr for the hire of Ormond and Allen for 9 months @ 15 Cash pd R. Andrews_____________________________________ 10. 00 paid H. D. Tripp_______________________________________ 25. 00

1819 March 29 Settled with S. Perry and Co and gave my note for bal. due_____________________________________________ 63. 60 Also gave my [note?] to S and J. Perry for_____________ 7. 25 _______ $70. 85 James Bryan To S. F. Austin Dr To pd. T. N. Wilkins your note_________________________ 275. 00 " Interest to Novr_____________________________________ 33. 00—308. " Double barrel Whiskey delivd at Saline landing on Red River 67 gal. @ 150 _____________________________ 100. 50 " 1 Barrel bounce at Long Prairie 30 G @ 2_____________ 60. 00 " 30 do Flour sold at Long Prairie etc for you @ 15____ 450. 00 " 10 do Midlin used by you ____________________10______ 100. 00 " Freight on 20 barrels Goods from Alexandria on Red River to Long Prairie etc @ 5________________________ 100. 00 " Freight on 1 Box Goods 1 Box Guns 1 Barrel Whiskey 1 Barrel bounce 1 do Brandy and a quantity of cut and whip saws from Nachitoches to Long Prairie etc 8 barrels @ 4________________________________________ 32. 00 4 silk bonnets sold at Mount P in your store for_______ 28. 00 Freight on 1 duble barrel Whiskey 2 barrels flour 6 of Beef 4 of Pork 14 Barrels in all from Herculaneum to long P. etc__________________________________________________ $4. 00 To negro man Ralph sold by you without my consent______ 800. 00 paid Jese Porton for you in eattle__________________200 in Hogs___________________________________________150 350. 00 pd Silas Rawls your note_______________________________ 125. 00 Pd Bradley for freight_________________________________ 64. 00 do J. Barkman for money recd of him for you____________ 600. 00 Recd by R. O. Porten and others out of the cargo lost by Phelps for which they accounted to you_________________ 700. 00 pd Mably in advance for the hire of his negro Nace 1 year for you______________________________________________ 100. 00 My expences from the Port of Arkansas in May 1820 to Hempstead co. for you _______________________________ 50. 00

1819 March 29 hire of Richmond and Damond 3 months at Saline 18______ 108. 00 pd Nat. a boatman for you 25 also Gordons time and ex- pences in attending to your business_________________ 50. 00 __________ 4490. 50 Tripp and Andrews—31 (other page)______________________ 35. 00 ___________ 4525. 00

besides this a/c there is an a/c on my old black Smith books at the Mines and sundry other credits and also J. Bryan engaged to pay G. Terinelle 7400 for the new Madrid claims I sold to said Bryan.