Green DeWitt to Ramon Musquiz, 05-08-1829

Summary: Report of Indian invasion directed at La Bahia.

[From Bexar Archives]

I have Just received information by two men immediately from Bejar; that a large party of Indians, supposed to be 100, all mounted have crossed the road leading from this place to Bejar, at the 52 mile treeabout 24 miles from here—-and have bent their course for la Bahia— My number here is too weak to follow them, as it is beleaved that there is also another party in the direction of the Colorado—and I am only able to keep out spies and to watch them, least they should make an attack on this place—. I have ordered an express this morning to La Bahia, and hope he will be there in time to alarm the inhabitants that they may have the troops on the alert; and that they may therefore defeat them in their designs, which I have reason to beleave is to both kill and rob, this I send you, for your information: God and Liberty

Green DeWitt [Rubric]

His Excellency Ramon Muzquiz Chief of the Department of Texas.