David M. McCormick to Samuel M. Williams, 11-21-1825

Summary: Local barter.

Lower Settlement Brassos Novr 21st 1825

Dear Sir

I neglected by an intire forgetfulness a small arrangement that I was under promise to make in favour of Thomas Alley of the payment of four Dollars that I owe him I told him sometime previous to my coming from Town that if I could not get the money for him that I would not fail to make arrangements with you or Col. Austin to pay it to him or his order which he said he would give in favour of Mr Brown that left some whisky with you if he did not call on you himself Sir if you will be good Enough to settle that Amount with him for me and enable me to keep my word inviolate which I wish always to do You will confer a great favour on Your friend— Command my services at any time.

David M Cormick [Rubric]

[Addressed:] Mr Samuel M Williams Esqr San Felipe de Austin