Stephen F Austin to Texas Gazette, 09-25-1830

Summary: Friendly disposition of Government toward Texas. Need of judiciary reform and separation from Coahuila.

Letters have been received by a gentleman in this place from persons high in office and in the confidence of the nation. Their letters express the most friendly and natural disposition towards this and all other colonies or settlements in Texas that have been legally established. Great solicitude is manifested in these letters for the prosperity of this country, and for its advancement. They say in positive terms, that none of the rumors which agitated public opinion as to Texas last spring had their origin from this colony; neither has there ever been any unfavorable impression against it. These rumors, they say, originated from a great mass of newspaper and other publications in the U. S of the north—stating among other things, that swarms of adventurers and fugitives from justice, who could remain no longer in their country, were about to overrun and occupy Texas. Such an event would have been ruinous to the tranquility and prosperity of this country, and therefore demanded the prompt attention of the government.

It must be confessed that publications similar to that by "A revolutionary officer," and many others which contain nothing but base and infamous slanders were well calculated to ruin us, both in Mexico and in foreign countries. There is cause to suspect that one of the great objects of these slanderous scribblers was to stop the emigration from the U. S. of the north, or from other foreign countries to Texas. . . . They appear to have acted on the principle to make Texas a part of the U. S. of the North, or to keep it down and consign it for years to the wilderness and the occupancy of the Indians by damning its reputation so that no Honest, wealthy or civilized man, would remove to it. . . .

We have in former numbers of the Gazette stated that the cause, and the sole cause, of any and all the little bickerings and confusion that may have existed in Texas, since 1821, have proceded from the want of a proper organization of the local government, and especially of the judiciary. In this respect a change is necessary, and is daily becoming more so. It has become a matter of serious doubt whether Texas will ever rise or prosper, so long as it is united with Coahuila. The question of separating, with the view of forming a territorial government, as a territory of this nation, is beginning to occupy much of the public attention. This is a serious question, and merits the most calm and mature reflection.