Stephen F Austin to Unsent, 04-03-1833

Summary: Notes by Austin for memorial on repeal of restrictions on immigration.

[April 13,1833]

Memorandum of points for a memorial to the general Govt asking for a repeal of the 11 article of the law of 6 April 1830

To mention, generally, the wilderness state in which Texas was at the time of the Mexican independence—the difficulties, privations and hardships which the emigrants have undergone in settling this country— The advantages which the nation has gained, without the cost of one dollar by an augmentation of physical force for the protection of the frontiers against hostile indians or other enemies, by the progress of agriculture and by the introduction into the Mexican territory of the culture of cotton as an article of exportation to foreign countries, thus supplying a great staple commodity which may be recevd along the whole coast, of the Gulf of Mexico, in sufficient quantities to pay for all the imports without the necessity of sending out one dollar The rich products of the mines would then remain, and circulate freely through the country— It only needs a calculation of the annual produce of the mines for ten years to form an idea of what the wealth of Mexico would be, even in that time, if the agricultural productions, were sufficient to pay for the importations.

[Stephen F. Austin.]