McKinstry and Austin to Stephen F Austin, 07-15-1833

Summary: Austin in account with McKinstry and Austin.

Col Stephen F Austin

To late firm of McKinstry and Austin

Feb 18 To cash paid Negro Simon___________ $1 00

" " 4 Lots in Block No 36.________ 100.00

" Sundry Lots purchased by E Hawkins____432. 00

" " 2 Lots purchased by J. F Perry and M T Hines— 141.00 Only one found on a/cc sales

" " Paid Charles H. Burnett____________ 6.50

" " Paid E. Hawkins & Co. Note and Int ______ 52. 80

" Paid your order in favor Williamson-_________ 50.00

April 7 " Cash paid George Tennell ___________140. 00

" Cash paid George Tennell____________ 60.00

" " Cash paid M. T. Hines___________________ 9.00

May 9 " Cash paid J R Phillips________________ 10.00

" " " your Subscription to Cannon___________________ 10.00

" " Horse to Padre Muldoon____ 40.00

Augt 4 " Paid your order to George Tennell___________133. 00

28 " Cash to self___________ 10.00

Sept 1 " Paid Asa Brigham_____________ 115.50

28 " Paid Wm T Austin____________________159.50

" " Lots No 5. 6. 7 and 8 in Block 33____________ 72 00

" " Block No 42 and 43_________________ 103 00

" " E.Hawkins______________ 97.50

Oct 13 " Paid Sayre and Nixson_________________ 10 50

" 20 " Paid D. H Anthony for Printing____________________20. 00

27 " Cash to Self—_________________________ 20.00


Feby 20 " Paid Thomas H Borden______________ 180.76

" " " Mr. Graves______________________________ 114.00

" " A. G. and R Mills_____________ 3.25

" " Paid Lots No 5 and 6 in Block 32________________165.00

" " Paid E Hawkins_________________718.76

" " " Balance of Arcieniagas a/c_________________ 68.18

" " Paid for Drawing Paper_________________9.00

$3052. 25


Amt____________________ $3052.25

February 20 To Paid E Hawkins________________________ 1344. 56

" " " McNeal and Woodson on a/c Arcienaga_____________485. 73

" " " AG and R Mills on a/c Same________46. 66

" " " A G and R Mills on a/c Self_______________ 23.00

" " " Commission on Sale Lots______________________ 111. 25

" " " Paid for advertising Sale of Lots________________ 7 00

" " " 1 lot on Block No 41__________________________ 22 63

July 15 " Paid Perry and Hunter on a/c your draft________ 100. 00

" " " Lots, 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. 9. 10. 11 and 12 in Block 34____ 149. 00

" " "Lots No 3. 4. 9. and 10 in Block No 33__________ 67. 00

" " " Amount Eliza M Austins a/c___________________ 117. 62

$5526. 70



November 19 By our note in favr Waller_______________ $64. 00

December 5 " 2 Notes of H Smith__________________ 65.00


January 6 " Henry Smiths due Bill_____________ 25. 00

February 2 " 4 Lots in Block 36 to Sayre__________100. 00

April 1 " E Andrews Note__________________ 40.00

May 15 " Your proportion of Note______ 18.00

Sept 2 Notes of A Brigham__________ 65 00

Decr 4 Recd of P R Splane________ 45 00

" " E Andrews___________ 10.00

Febry 10 " Will Harris Note______ 15.00

March 7 Lot No 3 and 10 in Block 35 Amount Sale of Lots 20____________45 00

February______________ 2830. 00 3322 00

$2204. 70

Amt due McKinstry_________________ $778. 53

" " Austin_____________________ 1406.17

$2204. 70