William S Parrott to Stephen F Austin, 09-18-1834

Summary: Statement of account.

Mexico. Sept. 18th 1834

My Dr Sir

Enclosed you have a statement of your a/c leaving a bal in your favour of $416.94 Capt offutt was advised that we were instructed to pay your bill at the Hotel which he said was well but has never Sent it in

Dr Grant advised me that he had sent money to Saltillo to meet my Dft in your favour and that I might consider it as paid nothing more has been said on the subject and if you return me the Dft I will pay over to Parrott and O the Amt to your credit, tho the course would derange all my accounts with the Dr, as he has long Since been credited with it

W. S. Parrott [Rubric]


Stephen F. Austin Esqr.

To Parrott and Co. Dr

1831 [1834?]

March 31 To Cash paid for Sundry things per mem°______________ $ 22. 93

April 22 To do " for pickles for his acct____________________ 1.50

May 15 To do " for one Bottle anizette___________________ 1.

" 26 To do " for one D° Brandy_____________________ 1.50

June 11 To do " D° D° ____________________ 1.50

" 14 To do Advanced Padre Muldoon by Wm S Parrott for he was responsible—transferred to our Books___________ 200. 00

" 13 To Cash—paid his Order in favr of_____________________ 50. 00

" 14 To D° " for one Bottle Brandy 1 50/100 pen knife $2__________________________ 3. 50

" 20 To Do " his Order in fav of______________________ 6.

" 21 To D° " for one Bottle Brandy___________________ 1.50

25 To Do " for Do D° ____________________ 1.50

" " To B° Lent him per Orders__________________________ 10.

July 8 To D° paid his Order in favr of Mr Whiting__________ 100.84

" 13 To Do " his Do fav, of_______________ 5.

" 19 To Do " his D° to Bearer_______________________ 4.

" 30 To D° paid Sundry things postage Brandy etc since 19th 7.

417. 77

Sep 3 To D° Franking letters to Tampico____________________ 1. 50

12 To D° 2 Dozen Havanna Segars_______________________ 1.00

$420. 27

1834 Cr

June 3rd By his Bill on New Orleans at 30 days sight______$747. 51

Prem: on the same at 12 per Cent_______________ 89. 70

837. 21

Balance in favor of S. F. Austin______Dollars___________ 416. 21