Stephen F. Austin to Samuel M. Williams, 12-31-1834

Summary: Released on bond December 25. Favorable changes in situation of Texas. Political conditions.

Mexico Decr 31 1834

My friend I can at last inform you that I am at liberty. I was discharged from prison on the 25th (Christmas day) by giving bail not to leave the federal district. I consider this almost equal to a full acquital, for a verry minute investigation of my case was made before bail was allowed. It will probably take a month to conclude my business so that I can start home, tho my friends think it will be finished much sooner. I hope to see you in Monclova when the Legislature meets.

My health is tolerably good and improving very fast. Congress ought to meet tomorrow, but there was not a majority of the Senate up to last night—the others are expected to day.

All I can say about political affairs, is that I have been too long out of the world to know much about them, and those who have had better opportunities seem to know as little—en fin, parece que nadie entiende las cosas, las personas, ni aun a si mismo.

Great political difficulties are feared by many, while others seem to rely on a peace of exhaustion—the want of means to revolutionise—

Texas, as a matter of course, will remain tranquil—a dead calm as to politics, and activity as to farming and planting, will insure the prosperity of that country.

There are a number of cotton factories building here and at Puebla. They appear to rely very much on Texas for a regular supply of cotton. I think that this market will be tolerably steady for a few years, at fifteen, to twenty cents delivered at Vera Cruz—tho this calculation is below what others make.

I see that the Govt have done one thing which I urged last year, (as was then said) with intemperate energy, that is the establishment of a weekly mail to the Sabine river.

All I will say at present as to Texas is that during my stay here I shall not loose sight of the interests of that country, nor permit past sufferings to discourage me. At present I see no material good that can result from Stiring the State question by the people of Texas, and for this reason I have in my former letters recommended silence, or at least a calm on that question at home. Enough has been done to attract the attention of the principal men—to induce investigation. In my case the memorials of the convention, that of Bexar of 19 Decr- 1832 and many other papers on the subject have been carefully examined—the subject is now understood. which it was not before, and I believe that the opinion is becoming fixed that Texas ought to have a local Govt without any delay; and that the people of that country, or myself have never had any designs to separate from the Mexican republic. My liberty depended on this latter idea, and the best proof that can be given that it is no longer believed Texas wished to separate from the Nation, is the fact of my liberation. One of the main objects of my mission was obtained last year by the repeal of the 11 article of the April law. The other the State question remaind pending. The past will not, in any manner, deter me from moving it in Congress again provided I see any prospect of doing good. But more can now be obtained by mildness, than by any other means, and for the plain reason, that at this time the nation is almost prostrated as to physical force, but has more pride than ever. In this state of things, the Govt would do much, if it had the appearance of confering a favor—but nothing that would seem to be conceded to threats or violence.

I believe that the interference of D Lucas Alaman contributed very materially to my liberation. He visited me frequently in prison, and so did D. Ramos Arispe, Almonte and Victor Blanco. I can have no doubt of the friendly disposition of these gentlemen towards me. The president Santana has uniformly expressed himself friendly to me. I have not yet seen him- but little can be said in favor of his political course in general, So I will say no more about him.

Send this to PerryMiller Martin etc.

S. F. A.

Will write next mail

-[undeciperable] is well

Al Senor D. Samuel M Williams o J B Miller San Felipe De Austin Texas