P W Grayson et Al to Stephen F Austin, 10-06-1835

Summary: Urging him to join the army

Gonzales October 6th 1835

12 o'clock at night

Dr. Coln

You will receive important dispatches by the Bearer that Col Ugartachea and probably Genl Cos—are now on their march here, with all their forces to take the Gun if it is not delivered— You will see by Ugartachea's letter to you, he proposes a sort of compromise. That will give us an opportunity to entertain him a little while, upon the Suggestion that you are sent for, until we can get in more men. We who subscribe this, request you earnestly to come on immediately, bringing all the aid you possible Can—we want powder and lead. Do all you can to send on instantly as much as possible.

P. W. Grayson J. W. E. Wallace

Pat C. Jack Jno. J. Linn

J. W. Fannin Jr. S. R. Miller

Thos. P. Gazsley A. Pollard

[Addressed:] Col. Stephen F. Austin at San Felipe de Austin.