R R Royall to Stephen F Austin, 10-14-1835

Summary: Stores and munitions on the way. Important to maintain permanent council

Oct 14. 1834 [1835]

To Col Stephen F. Austin Chairman of the Council and Commander in Chief

We dispatched to you yesterday an account of the success of Capt Collinsworth's attack on La Bahia which it appears you are not yet in possesion of by advice from him

Your Several communications to the Consultation and to this body arrived last night, every exertion has been made to carry into effect your request. Waggons will shortly be on the road with the necessary supplies—Capt Wm Hall has accepted the appointment of contracter for the army and is now busied in advancing the object, of his appt. in procuring waggons Stores etc.

Mess J. Wharton and Henry Smith arrived from below yesterday with the pleasing news of Capt Moores vessel having arrived from N. 0—with 75. Sta'd arms, 7 peices artilery and a plenty of ammunition, the San Felipe to follow in 2 days with some heavy artillery and other arms and ammunition— a note from McKenny to Columbia Says—vessel now in sight which we suppose to be the San Felipe—Waggons, are being procured to load at Columbia and forward ammunition flour arms etc. to you the originals of your invitation to the members of the Consultation (to proceed to camp) have been Sent to Washington— No members have yet assembled there— You will please take into consideration the Situation of this Council whose powers will cease when the convention goes into operation—several of these are delegatesR R. Royall and Joseph Bryan— who deem their remaining here much more important at this moment, than that they should proceed to camp to the consultation— You will please provide for the continuance of a body of some kind at this place with power sufficient to provide for Such requisitions as may be made by the Consultation etc. etc.—and also confirm the appointment of Capt Hall as contractor if it meets yr approbation—and Should a consultation be held at San Antonio to lay before it all such matters as from time to time we will transmit to you together with the foregoing—in order that they may be confirmed We have deemed it necessary to issue to Capt Hall orders for pressing into the Service waggons and all property that may be required—perhaps it would be well to make out an appointment clothing the individual with all the powers necessary to press and take into the public Service etc. as contracter

We have nothing further to advise you of but to request that you will give Us sufficient notice of what supplies may be required—for the next month for bad weather may occur and by it be impracticable to forward supplies.

R. R. Royall Presidt. of the Council