Stephen F Austin to Thomas F McKinney, 01-21-1836

Summary: Loans effected. Urges independence and harmony at home

New Orleans Jan. 21, 1836

Mr. T. F. McKinney

We, that is Archer and myself, expect certainly to leave tomorrow for the upper country

W. H. Wharton started on the 16 for Nashville—we remained to close the business of the commission in this City, which we have done in a very advantageous manner, as I think, for the interests of Texas—we have effected a second loan of $50,000 for land at 50 cents pr. acre—some difference between this and the monclova legislature which gave land at about 50. dolls, pr. League— This loan produced us 40.000 dolls, prompt payment in hand

The news from all quarters is cheering and prosperous for Texas— nothing is wanting but an immediate declaration of independence, and union and harmony at home, without this all is lost— There has been the most perfect harmony in the commission—we all agree as to the main principles, and especially as to independence— I hope that in future there will be union, more so than there has been,— If there be good faith in some of those who have been the most restless I think there will be—John Wharton assures me that on his part, there will be no more restlessness and his brother says the same— I know what reply you will make to this—but my object is the country, our country, it is, or ought to be the paramount object of all, and without union and harmony, our country is lost.

There are rumors here of disturbances at San Felipe, which discouraged the friends of Texas injured her credit, and caused our enemies to exult—

If substantial and deliberate men are elected to the convention, and violent demagogues are permitted to stay at home, all will go right, for such men will legislate for the country, and not themselves or for a party.

In well organized Governments, parties are usefull for they operate as checks, but situated as we are in Texas they are ruinous, and ought to be discountenanced— I have always tried to keep them down, and have been much censured by my friends for yielding, rather than encourage party feelings— I may have been wrong, for party spirit never gives credit to any person for purity of motive— The situation of Texas is now critical, and a great effort is necessary to establish union and harmony- The country ought to go unanimously for independence. Public opinion all over the U. S. expects and earnestly calls for it— Much harm has been done heretofore by those who have endeavoured to precipitate this Measure, by violence, partial meetings, and forestaling public opinion by manage- ment etc. I think they are now convinced of the impropriety of this course, and will pursue a different one, and a rational one in future—at all events let us all labor to promote union and harmony

No news from W. I fear he is dreaming somewhere. God grant that his dreams may be less injurious to Texas than some which were drempt at Monclova

Love to the LadiesS. F. A.

[Addressed:] Mr T. F. McKinny Quintana Col. J. A. Wharton