Summary: Maria Austin to Moses Austin, Richmond, Va., August 24, 1789.
August the 24—1789.
How oft my Beloved Husband do we form to our Selves the most
Agreeable Ideas, when in a moment our hopes are crushed and the
higher we rise in Expectation the lower we fall in the Vexsation of
Disappointment. I had Indulged a fond hope of haveing a long
letter from you on your Arrival at Lynchburge and was not a little
Disappointed when William Informed me that you had only time
to write him— it afforded me Infinite Sattisfaction to hear of your
Safe Arrival at the ferry— Sincerely hope you have reached the
Mines long before this—I have risen this morning with the early
dawn and while the Contented Inhabitants of this lower world are
Wrapt in peacefull Slumbers, and the gay tenants of the air, Chant
their Songs of praise—I shall amuse myself for an hour before
Breakfast in Scribbling to my dear friend and Companion—.—the
Cause of my Unusual early rising, was this. William and myself
proposed last Evening going to his fathers— he procured a horse
but unfortunately the poor beast was an utter Stranger to the Harniss
I was seated in the chase — but he was so wild and Unruly that I
was Obliged to spring out—and I hurt my Ancle in the jump— I
Cheerfully Submitted to the disappointment. I shall now through
down my pen, and refresh myself with a little Breackfast—
I meane the greatest part of this day shall be devoted to my dear
Moses—, for be assured I Receive more real pleasure in Conversing
on Paper with one so very neare to my heart, than I could gane from
Society—I have had a vast deal of Company since your Departure—
all my friends have been in crowds to visit me. Mrs. Flint has stade
with me more than two weeks, and went home last evening in
Consequence of my proposing to spend this week in the County—
Indeed I want a little excursion of this kind— for what with
Company and the present sise of my family haveing five or six men to
find—has fatigued me Exceedingly, and Caused much grumbling
from Lewes and of Course the same Complaints from Molly, upon
the old theame, hard work— I tell them they may Indulge when I
am goon— those things my dear Moses are too apt to render me
unhappy— I am Sensible of the Impropriety of letting such trivial
matters affect me, it is my nature and I Cannot help it—though it
airways leaves a Gloominess and Depression upon my spirits that I
cannot easyly get the better of. why do I trouble you with such
Nonsense as the Complaints of servants, excuse me my dear I think
I must say anything to you, who will Sympaihize in your Maria's
feelings— Indeed she finds but little happiness in your absence—
and am Continually tortured with Distressing Reflections of one
kind or other— at this moment I am thinking of the Absurdity of
looking for Happyness in this world, when in fact their is no such
thing to be found— nor in my poor Opinion— did the wise disposer
of all things ever design it should in this state of probation, but that
we may merit by our Sufferings and fortitude here— a better
Existance hereafter, we must in short look beyond this little scene of
things for felicity— this Idea Occasions a pleasing Serenity in the
mind, yes my dear Austin it tis an Idea I meane to Cherish before
every other it will give me reassured Confidence in the Goodness
of the Almighty— and I am determined from this time— with the
divine Assistance to Seek for Happjmess in meriting the Affection
of my Husband— and looking up to the never failing Comforter for
strength of mind to Support me in my determination-
Adversity and Misfortune we are taught to expect in our passage
through life we ought to be prepared for their attack and by
that means enabled to Encounter them to advautage— but I am
preaching to one who is much more able to preach to me, and whose
strength of mind, I trust, will brave Every Difficulty he will meet
with— I shall now drop this Serious Subject and hasten to
Communicate what little news this town affords— our neighbor
Pawlings has returned from the springs and looks very ill, has lost
nearly a Hundred wait of flesh— poor man I fear he is not long
for this world— Mrs Patterson has arrived. She looks very much
like a Ilelander, but Clever Enough for her hopeful Husband.—
Mr Picket has not returned, though it tis a month since he left new
york— and a much longer time Since he wrote Mrs. F. [Mrs. P?]
we all begin to Entertain Doubts— I tremble for your bet with
Higby and Mrs Galogy is uneasy about her Stockings—- Charles
H. is sure of his hat & says it will never be a Match— I have no
more news to relate and now shall think of Concluding this very long
Epistle— my family is all in good health— though the heat has
been so Intense for the fortnight past it made me apprehensive of
sickness— but we have thank god Stood it very well— and the
Weather now is much more Agreeable— I wrote you a few hasty
lines some time ago— and mentioned Mr Pursel's Intention of
Stoping up the little, windows-the one in the passage is Still
Open— but he informed Mr. N. some time ago he meant to have
it done on Monday— which is tomorrow Some of my friends tell
me he had a write so to do. Others say he has not— I shall be
happy to know your Opinion and if you think as I do we sha'll
soon have them Opened— present my respects to Mr Frisby, tell
him his little kitty was here on friday and is in perfect health— I
hope my dear Moses will devote some of his leisure hours in
Scribbling to his Maria— you are Sensible of the happiness it will
afford me to hear— what a length have I Extended this Letter.
Indeed my fingers are really tired of holding the pen— Adieu my
deare Husband— may heaven guard you and Crown your
Undertakings with the greatest Success— pray's your ever loveing and
Affectionate, Wife till Death
Maria Austin.