Moses Austin, John Blanchard, and Joe Lauman to Unknown, 01-20-1796

Summary: Statement of account.

Dr Messrs Blanchard and Lauman in Acct with Moses Austin


Jany 30 To George Lauman paid for 37500 Acres of land Warrants with his part of the Money paid Gains and Newel as pr Statement N° 16__________________________________________ 850

To John D Blanchard paid for 37500 acres of land Warrants with his part of the money paid Gains and Newel as pr Statement N° 1___________________________________________ 850

To Joseph Burr paid for 23,000 Acres Land Warrants with his part of the money pd Gains and Newel as pr Statement N° 1__________________________________________________________ 512-20

To George Lauman for the Expences of Surveying and Registering 63500 Acres of land as stated in memorandum N° 1_________________________________________________________ 416. 28

To John D Blanchard for the Expence of Surveying and Registering 63500 Acres of land as stated in Memorandum N° 1___________________________________________________________ 416. 28

To Joseph Burr for Expence of Surveying and Registering 23,000 Acres of land as stated in memorandum N° 1_______ 150 77

To Cash Expences on 68,000 Acres of land as pr Statement N° 2________________________________________________ 317-94

To Cash paid for 50,000 Acres of land warrants as pr Statement N° 3________________________________________________ l. 000


Decr 15 To Cash pd for 50.000 Acres of land warrants as pr statement N° 3________________________________________________ 1.000

To Cash pd James Newel as pd his Recpt_____________________ 400

To Expences of the last Hundred Thousand Acres of Land as pr Statement N° 3_____________________________________ 488

To Cash pd Harry Bates Expences to Richmond from the Mines and while there say 44 Days in consequence of the Bill Drawn on you being Protested in violation of our agreement 16 March________________________________________________ 101-25

To Cash pd protest of Bills drawn on you___________________ 2. 80




Jany 19 By Cash pd Joseph Burr to purchase land warrants say 150.000 @ 20 Dollars________________________________________________ 2,000

March 14 By Cash Recd of you to purchase land warrants under Contract of March 16____________________________________ 1,000

Decr 1 By Cash Recd of Joseph Burr___________________________ 2. 300

By my Draft on Jn° D Blanchard________________________________________________ . 315

$5. 615


Jany 20 By Balanece Due M A________________________________________________ 889 52
