Austin Ville December 8. 1800.
Dear Uncle
I received your favors not long since and am very Sorry to hear
of the Difficulties you have met with in the progress of your bussi-
ness but hope you will yet be well repaid for all your trouble, I
should have wrote you long since but as I supposed from the
frequent communications from my father and Mr. Jas Austin you were
informed of our proceedings generally in this Country. Your
objections as to the Sale of some of the property sold me by my father, I
am sorry to hear of as I rested perfectly satisfied as to my right of
all the Property and Still shall as I am certain you must be much
deceived as to the Value of the Property, by a letter from my father
I am informed that you write by the appraisement of myself and Jas
Austin the Property at the Lead Mines Amounts to 25,000 Dollars,
as to myself I think I can with certainty say I never made such a
Statement nor had such an Idea, if Mr. James Austin did so I think
you must have misunderstood each other very much Indeed, I rely
much on his judgment and integrity and as he has wrote his wife he
intends going to your Country from Kentucky you will verbally
receive more accurate information from him I should long before this
have had all the Property Valued but on my own account rested easy,
but for the better adjustment of Accounts between yourself and my
father I shall in a few days have all the Property valued by Mr.
James McGarock, Senr, Mr. Hugh McGarock, Mr. Joseph Kent and
Capt. James Newell four persons in whom I place much
confidence and who I think will do justice to both parties. I shall State
to them (by the direction of S. Austin) that the Property is to be
valued at cash which he (S. A.) says ought to have been sold to
discharge your assumset to him some time since, I have hereunto
annexed a Statement of the most I think the Property would bring in
the common way of Trade in this Country which can be compared
with the balance due S. Austin and Co. of Philada by Mosses Austin
and Co. and S & M Austin of Virginia which I think will not be
more than adequate to the sum due. Since the adjustment of your
accounts in Philada with my father (with the interest which he may
or may not be intitled to) he has paid a very considerable debt and
advanced some money for this place. Should I have erred in any
Statement I have made above or any opinion I have advanced, in the
manner in which they are made, I beg to be corrected, my wish and
most ernest desire is that no difference or litigation should take place
in any bussiness I may have that has any relation to yourself.
Since the 18 of June last on my Lease for one Year of the Lead
Mines, I have been pursuing the Bussiness with as much Prudence,
caution and care as my moderate abillities has enabled me and
fear at the close of the year I shall barely be able to pay all
expenses, I have not raised any ore of consequence for many months,
but the prospect holding good has prevented my abandoning some
time back but since I have built a Slag Hourth which I erected at
the Grist Mills notwithstanding the quantity of water does not
answer my expectations we work nearly one half of the time. I shall
hold on untile the expiration of my year and shall then remain
the ballance of the summer to adjust my accounts when with what
little I may have after my four Years labour I shall seek some
employment near my friends, my plantation (B. Bottom) I shall leave
in the care of some trusty person with several hands and shall return
to this Country as my fathers and my own interest may require.
In the Statement which follows I have not included for 2 Small
Pieces of Land or B. Bottom nor the Tolls or Debts due the place
which will not discharge the debts due from it in this Country.
Remember me to Aunt and the Children and all friends with you.
With respect.
Your Nephew
Charles Austin.
Mrs J. Austin Sends her love to you all, herself and Son are in
Good health and a fair prospect of increase in our family.
C. A.
Prince Patty Nelly Jerry and 2 children________________________ £350
James Kesiah and 5 children-_________________________________ 350
Ambrose Mary and 3 Sons____________________________________ 380
David, Alex Frank Joe Tom and Wat___________________________ 500
Gowin and Peter____________________________________________ 150
Bohannon and Forbus plantation_______________________________ 470
House and Lot in Lynehburgh_________________________________ 450
7 Mules_______________________________________________________ 108
4 Mules I sold a year ago but a very small part of the money is
received and I fear the balance will not be had soon, as a suit must
take place, such is the precarious, Situation of the Sale of property.
The above Statements I have shewn to persons who know the
property who think I have exceeded what it will bring.
[Addressed] Mr. Moses Austin at the Lead Mines on the Spanish
Side of the Mississipi, Kaskaskia.