Moses Austin to Unknown, 06-02-1801

Summary: Commerce.

Dr. Mr. Moses Auston in Account Currt with William Stephen 1801

June 2 To the Amount of your Acct as per Anext Bill of Parcels___ $625.1 1/2 to Commission and Storage_____________________________ 57.2 1/2 " Cartage___________________________________________ 10. " Cash paid George fisher____________________________ 600. " do do Robert friend________________________ 61.5 "Commission on $305__________________________________ 7.5 " the Amot of frederick Beck acct_____________________ 67.1

$1428. 7

Cr E. E.

By Amout of Sale of 5241 lbs of shot

By do do 2261 " lead ______________________________ $765 18

By 3059 lbs shott_______ ____10$______________________________ 305 90

By his draft on Mr. Merrieult___________________________________ 200

By____do__________do_____________________________________________ 67 1

By Ballance due W. Stephen_______________________________________ 90 6

$1428 7

New Orleans the 2 June 1801

[Endorsed:] Examin'd and Enter'd Settled
