Peter Le Croix to M. Austin D
Nov 30 to 1 doz Large Buttons 75___________________________ 0. 75
1 D° Small D° 25____________________________________ 0. 25
Febry l2 1 lb Coffee 3$_______________________________________ 1. 0
5 lb Sugar $.50______________________________________ 2. 50
1 Handkf 1$50________________________________________ 1. 50
to paid Alexd Dillen_________________________________ 1. 0
21 1 lb Sugar 50________________________________________ 0. 50
1 knife 50___________________________________________ 0. 50
29 1 skein thread 12_____________________________________ 0. 12
8. 12
March 1 1 1/2 Ells Calico 2$__________________________________ 3. 0
1 skein thread________________________________________ 0. 12
4 1 lb tobacco 35_______________________________________ 0. 35
1 lb Sugar 50_________________________________________ 0. 50
13 1 pint Whiskey 50_____________________________________ 0. 50
1/2 lb powder_________________________________________ 1. 25
1 lb shott___________________________________________ 0. 12
14 1 pint Whiskey________________________________________ 0. 50
16 1 skein thread________________________________________ 0. 10
25 1 pint Whiskey________________________________________ 0. 50
April 2 1 Handkf 1$50_________________________________________ 1. 50
8. 44
2 1/2 Ells Linnen 2$50_______________________________ 6. 25
1 Brich Clout 1$______________________________________ 1. 0
4 to making shirt 1$____________________________________ 1. 0
to Whiskey 4$87 1/2___________________________________ 4. 87 1/2
to paid J. Gelaspey___________________________________ 2. 25
6 to paid Madam Papa____________________________________ 3. 0
to paid Boston Morris_________________________________ 4. 0
1 Muzlin Handkf_______________________________________ 3. 0 25.37 1/2
Carried forward__________________________________________________ $41. 93 1/2
1802 To amount brought forward__________________ $41. 93 1/2
April 7 to paid Morel_________________________________________ 2. 0
to paid Bill Cannon___________________________________ 0. 50
1 knife $50__________________________________________ 0. 50
8 1/2 lb Coffee 1$______________________________________ 0. 50
2 lb Sugar $50______________________________________ 1. 0 4.50
$ 46. 43 1/2
April 4 Contra Cr
By 1 month and 9 days work 19.50______________________ 19.50
Due_______________________________________________________________ 28. 93 1/2
Balence Due M Austin
[Endorsed:] Peter Le Croix Accnt $26.93 this fellow is on board
of Mr Tropes (?) Boat