Horace Austin to Moses Austin, 08-20-1807

Summary: Emigration to Missouri.

Middletown 20th Augt. 1807.

Dear Sir

I wrote you on my first arrival here directed to New Orleans, since which I have not written, not knowing where my Letters would find you— But from a Letter received a few days since from Mr. T. Phelps, it appears that you have given up all idea of coming to this part of the Country, he mentions that Austin Eliot left St. Geneveive about the 1st July for New Orleans— I hope he will be here soon, as I feel quite impatient to be in readiness to go on as soon as it will be prudent to go.—

I was disappointed in getting the Money for Miss Penniman's Dft.— The property was not sold—

I went to New London soon after I came home to see her Brother about it.— He told me there was no prospect of selling it, and it would be uncertain whether he should be able to dispose of it before I got away—In consequence of not receiving it, I have been unable to make any arangements about getting away, as the Money I brought with me, was not Sufficient to settle all the accounts that I had against me when I came home— When Austin comes, we shall get ready to go on with all possible dispatch.—

I hope to get away in September, but cannot fix on any time, till he comes— I was quite disappointed to find that you were not coming—

I hope Austin will come well provided with the needfull, as it will be necessary to have considerable more than what we shall want for the purchase of our Goods, to bear expences of Transportation etc— Mr. Phelps mentions that you have made arrangements to have his family go on with us, and let Austin take charge of the Goods to Pitsburgh, and that Mr Beers will furnish us with Money to carry us on.— I think we shall get along very pleasantly in that way—

When I came home I found my family at House Keeping— It is much cheaper living here than in New Haven, yet it costs a good deal to support a family anywhere— I shall want 2 or 8 Hundd. Dollars to close my accounts and purchase Clothing and other necessaries to take on with us—

I have been informed by a Gentleman from New London, that Miss Penniman's House was sold (about 3 week's since) for One thousand Dolls—

If I can get that, I shall be able to get along very well, but as I have not heard from Mr. Penniman on the Subject it is uncertain whether I shall get it or not, as I dont know that he has sold it for Cash— I shall not be able to get Betsey's things for her unless I get the Money—

I sent her Memorandum to her Brother—He wrote for it, and said she requested him to assist in getting them— He will probably get part of them—

I have not heard from Stephen for some time— I intended going to see him soon after I came home, but have been so short of Cash, that I had none to spare to go anywhere from home— He intends entering Colledge this Fall

Mr Beers told me when I first came home that Mr. Adams had called on him for 50 Dollars, but he had no money in his hands— I [should] have given him an Hundred Dollars, if I had received that at New London

Elisha Austin is making arrangements to go on with us—

Henry is daily expected.—

I have not received a line from you or any body in Louisianna (except Mr Phelps,) since I left it— I hope since the appointment of a Governor, that all is peace and quietness

Please remember us to Aunt, and all friends—

H. Austin [Rubric]

[Addressed:] Moses Austin Esqr Mine a'Burton Upper LouisiannaOffice at St Genevieve