Moses Austin to Hart, Barton, and Hart, 05-03-1809
Summary: Bills of exchange and lead.
Mine a Burton
Mess Hart Barton and Hart [Lexington, Ky.]
Gentl I have eclos'd to you Drafts on the House of Mess.
Bellows and Cochran Boston for five thousand Dollars— Which
Drafts I request you to forward on to your friends in New York—
to be by them forwarded on to Boston for acceptance and When
accepted to have them discounted in New York if such a thing can
be done Which I make not a doubt provided the House in Boston
is of sufficient standing to justify such a confidence in them. It is
my Wish that this money may be plac'd to your Cr in New York
and that you accomodate me with the amount in Lexington Which
If the Bills are found good may be of no small advantage the object
of this establishment is for the shipment of large quantities of Lead
to Boston and I shall want a friend in Orleans to receive and
[forward] shipments of Lead from that place either to Boston or New
York as may best answer the objects of this Establishment it is
intended to extend the business of shipping Lead from this Country
wherefore it becomes our object to know on What terms your House
in Orleans will receive and forward Lead for the account of Myself
and friends
I know that Bills on New York and Philadelphia have sold in
Lexington at an advance of from lp to 2 pre If the arrangements I
have mentioned should be faithfully executed I think great and
mutual advantage will result from this business— my object is to
carry it into immediate Execution and as soon as you can obtain
information how they are rec'd you will give me information. Money
in this County is of Great consequence and I may say greater than
in any I have been acquainted With there being no such thing as
accomodations in the money Way— in consequence of which Money
is of high Value— I Wrote you
[Moses Austin.]