1807 To Balance from Ld C [Ledger C] P. 112____________ $ 2. 20
Novr. 4 To so much pa M. Deulle___________________________ 1. 50
28 1 quart Whiskey___________________________________ 50
Jany 3d To 6 yds of Silk @ 2.00___________________________ 12. 00
Febry 17 2 qts of Cider @ 25_______________________________ 50
March 9 paid Easton and Pope _____________________________ 5.
June 2d 504 lb lead in Village____________________________ 29. 23
To your board from 16 Augt. to 1
Novr 2 1/2 Months @ 10$__________________________ 25. 00
Sundry meals since with lodging
say 52 @ 12 1/2 cents_____________________________ 6. 50
Decr. 6 To 6 Months board from 1, June
to the 1, Decr @ 12$50____________________________ 75. 00
To keeping your horse from the 1,
Octr up to 30th Decr 3 months____________________ 22. 50
paid James Bryan__________________________________ 7. 50
paid John Butler__________________________________ 5. 75
paid Lucy_________________________________________ 4. 00
30 496 lb lead 1, Sept.______________________________ 24. 80
1160 lb lead 13, Decr_____________________________ 58. 00
Feby 6 paid James Hawthorn_______________________________ 2. 00
Febry 15
1810 paid James Bryan__________________________________ 10.37 1/2
$292.35 1/2