Austin to Matthew Kerr, 11-21-1813
Summary: Moses Austin in account with Matthew Kerr.
St Louis
Bout of Matthew Kerr
3$ yards Cloth ___________________$6. 50_____ $22. 75
1 Vest patern________________________________ 2. 50
1$ Yards Flannell____________________________ 1. 87 1/2
1 Do Shirting Muslin_______ 1. 37 1/2$___ 8. 25
1 pair Black Worsted Hose____________________ 2. 50
1 Do Do__________________________________ l. 75
6 Sceans Silk________________________________ 75
1 Do Twist______________________________ 12 1/2
2 Bandannce Hdkfs_____________ 1. 75_______ 3. 50
1 Black Silk Do___________________________ 1. 75
2 ps Muslin____________$5____________________ 10. 00
3 " Indian Calico___________ 1. 62$_______ 4. 87 1/2
1 p Blue____________________________________ 4. 40
13 yds Cloth_______________________1 62$_____ 21. 12 1/2
1 1/4 do Blue Shrouding____________ 2 50_____ 3. 12 1/2
15 1/4 Yards Grey Cloth__________ 3 50_______ 38. 12 1/2
10 do do________________ 3 25_____________ 32. 50
2 1/2 Bennetts Cord_____________ 4 50______ 11. 25
2 Sceans Silk______________________ 12$_____ 25
8 yards Flannell___________________$1 _____ 8. 00
3 do White do____________ 1 37$_____ 4. 12 1/2
4 3/4 lbs Crowly Steel_______________________ 2. 37 1/2
1 Castor Hat_________________________________ 7. 00 1 Rorum Do___________________________________ 4. 50 1 Box________________________________________ 50 $239. 71 14
Cr By overcharge on 13 yards cloth_________________________ 1. 62 Drs 238. 83 1/4 3. 1 pair cotton cards____________________ 3. 00 241. 83 1/4