Stephen F Austin to James Bryan, 01-13-1814

Summary: Concerning lead trade.

Hercu[laneu]m, Jany, 13, 1814

Dr Brother,

Elias will not finish makeing the Sheet Lead until Monday and the Boat will not be in readiness either until that time, so that it cannot be started untill about Wednesday.

Elias says that Wilson has not quite nine Thousand Pounds of Lead here tho, there will be enough [to] make out the Cargo by ta[king the s]hot which my Father sent in [mutilated] which must be replaced im[mediate]ly as he is now waiting [for] it.

I think you [may] send in The Hands on Sunday and they can assist in finishing the Boat etc on Tuesday I think we can Load and Start on Wednesday so that if you are in St. Genivie by Monday night you will be in time

Stefn F Austin [Rubric]

J. Bryan EsqHazle Run