Benjamin Elliott to Stephen F. Austin, 11-25-1816

Summary: Stephen F. Austin in account with Benjamin Elliott. Biographical.

Mr Stephen F Austin

In a/c Curent With Benjamin Elliott


August 13 To 1 Glass punch __________________________ . 50 " To 1 qt whisky ____________________________ . 50 Sept 12 To Cash ___________________________________ . 50 " To Subscription for ball 20 Sept____________ 2. 50 January 19 " Ball Bill ______________________________ 2. 50 2 " Supper whisky etc_________________________ . 87 1/2 Augst 5 "1 pt whisky ______________________________ . 25 " " Supper __________________________________ . 37 1/2 " " 1/2 Gallon whisky_________________________ 1. 00 1816 July 7 To 1/2 Do Do______________________ 1. 00 " " 1 qt poter [porter] _____________________ . 25 " " 1 Bowl punch___________________________ 1. 00 " " h Gallon whisky__________________________ 1. 00 " " 1 Supper ______________________________ . 37 1/2 " " Subscription for Ball 4 July ____________ 5. 00 " " Ball Bill_______________________________ 2. 50 " " 3 Bowls punch__________________at 50 ____ 1. 50 Febury 2 " Cash Lent________________________________ 1. 00 Agst 7 " 1/2 Bowl punch___________________________ . 50 July 27 " 1 qt. poter______________________________ . 25 27 " 1 Bowl punch_____________________________ 1. 00 Sept 9 " 1 qt whisky _____________________________ . 50 May 10 " Ball Bill_______________________________ 2. 50 May 10 " Balance on Cards_________________________ 1. 25 Sept 2 To Ball Bill 22 Novr ______________________ 2. 50 4 To Assembly Balls__________________________ 8. 00 " To Ball Bill_______________________________ 2. 50 " To Ball Bill July 25_______________________ 2. 00 ______ $43. 62 1/2 To and order from J Bice Jones___________________ 9. 25 ______ 52. 87 1/2

Credit Sept 4 By Cash___________________________________ 1. 00 12 By Do__________________________________ . 50 Feby 22 " do__________________________________ 1. July 7 " Do__________________________________ 3. 00 " " Do__________________________________ 5. 00 Oct 19 By fish_____________________________________ . 50 _______ 11. 50 _______ 43. 62 1/2 11. 50 _______ Balance Due me__________________________________________ $32. 12 1/2

Benjamin Elliott E E [errors excepted] Novr. 25th. 1816