Sam Perry and Company to Stephen F. Austin, 02-19-1817

Summary: Stephen F. Austin in account with Samuel Perry & Co.

Mr. Stephen F. Austin To Saml Perry and Co Dr


June 7th To 6 lb white Sugar__________Pr Father @ 56 1/4________ 3. 37 1/2 18 1 " Nails________pr Danly______________________________ . 37 1/2

July 15 1 Venison Ham__________________________________________ . 25 " " 1 Chamber______________________________________________ . 75 " 16 Ballance on Brandy_____________________________________ . 50 " 20 1 pt Tar_______________________________________________ . 12 1/2 " 21 1 pr Shoes____________________________________________ 2. 75 " 23 2 Qts Tar________pr Danly____________________________ . 50

Augst 6 4 Shovels________pr Dozier 75_________________________ 3. 00 " 15 3 Lead ballance on borrowed Lead______________________ . 15 " 19 1100 lbs Mineral delivered @ 20$ pr thousd_____________ 22. 00 " 29 1 Gall. Tar pr order___________________________________ 1. 00

Sept 11 6 lb White Sugar________@ 56 1/4_______________________ 3. 37 1/2

Octr 5 1/2 lb Tea________@ 350_______________________________ 1. 75 " 30 5 lb 14 ozs. Loaf Sugar_______________________________ 3. 62 1/2

Nov 22 6lbs Sugar________pr Order 40__________________________ 2. 40 " " 2 " Coffee_______ do 62 1/2_____________ 1. 25 47. 17 1/2 __________ The above is charged to you Father

To amounts of your old accts rendered__________________ 45. 50

April 25 " 1 pr Shoes__________________________________________ 2. 50

May 10 " 1 Otter skin _______________________________________ 2. 00 " " " 1 Cub Skin 25cts 1 Hank Shoe Thread 37 1/2___________ . 62 1/2 " 27 " l lb Powder 100cts 2 Hanks Thread 100cts 1 pr Shoes 2.50________________________________________ 4. 50

June 5 " 1 Bottle Wine______________________________________ 1. 25 " 4 " 2 Bottles Wine______________________________________ 2. 50 " 15 Whiskey 25cts. 1 Bottle wine 125_______________________ 1. 50 " " 1/2 Bottle Wine________________________________________ . 62 1/2 " 21 1 do do _______________________________________________ 1. 25

July 6 6 do do _______ @ 125__________________________________ 7. 50

Nov 12 5lbs Coffee _______ 62 1/2 ____________________________ 3. 12 1/2 " 17 Shoe Thread ___________________ pr Father _____________ 1. 12 1/2 74. 00 __________

Novr 28 1 Trunk pr McCormick __________________________________ 6. 00 " 5lbs Coffee___________ 50 ___________________________ 2. 50 " " / 53 Volembers [sic] of Reeces Cyclo- | pedia @ 4$._____________________ 212. | Carriage 156 lbs @ 11 cts_______ 17.16 | _______ | 229.16 \ Advance 10 pr Cent 22.91 1/2 252.07 1/2 " 1 Vest Pattern 375 Silk Buttons 50 cts ________________ 4. 25 " 1 Cross Bard Handkf 150 1/2 yd Linnen Camd 950-475________________________________________ 6. 25


Decr 6 To Merchandise pr Father as pr Bill rendered___________ 15. 62 1/2 " 7 " 49 lbs Sugar pr Do_________________@ 40_____________ 19. 60 " 7 " 2 Qts Tar pr Jas. Danly_____________________________ . 50 " 8 " 124 lbs Iron @ 18 3/4 cts and 39 lbs do @ 20cts____ 31. 05 " 9 " 1 pr Boottees sent by Jas. Dozer to St. Louis_______ 11. 00 " 10 " 2 Qts. Linseed oile 2$ 1 Skean Silk 12 1/2 pr Father 2. 12 1/2 " 12 " 2 yds Blk Flannell_____@ 1.25 pr__Mrs. Weber________ 2. 50 " " " 1 Doz Needles 25 cts 1 pr Wco. Worsted Hose 175 pr Do [Mrs. Weber]___________________________ 2. 00 355. 47 1/2 Amt carried over______________________________ $476. 65

1816 To amt brought over____________________________________ 476. 65

Dec 12 " 4yds Ribbon 100cts lyd Do 18 3/4____pr Mrs Weber___ 1. 18 3/4 " " " 6 Skeans Silk 75cts 2 Stran Beeds 25cts_______________pr Do _______________ 1. 00 " 13 " 1 pr Wco. Worsted Hose__________pr do________________ 1. 75 " " " 1 Needle Case____________________pr Do_______________ 2. 50 " " " 11 1/2 lbs Cordage pr @ 31 1/4_______Jas. Danly.___ 3. 59 1/2 " 16 " 1 Doz Silk Vest Buttons pr order of Father_________ . 75 " 17 " 1 Stick Twist __________________do___________________ . 12 1/2 " 19 " 1/2 Gall Lintseed Oile_________pr Do___________ 2. 00 " " " 1 Paper Ink Powder______________pr Ball______________ . 25 " 20 " 28 3/4 lbs Iron p @ 18 3/4_______________Bruffy______ 5. 39 " 21 " 2lbs Nails_________________________Ball______________ . 75 " 23 " 2 yds Leventine Silk pr order of Father______________ 4. 50 " 24 " 6 lbs Best Coffee__________________pr Do__________ 3. 75 " 26 " 28 1/4 lbs Iron__18 1/2________________Bruffy________ 5. 30 " 27 " 1 yd Ribbon_______________________pr Mother__________ . 25 " " " 3 " Shenneal 56 1/2 ct 1 Pocket Book 150________________pr Do_________________ 2. 06 1/4 " " " 1 Silk Handkf____________________D°__________________ 2. 50 " " " 1 pt Madarie Wine________________pr negro Girl_______ 1. 00


Jany 9 " 1 Cotton Shawl_________________pr Mrs Weber______ 1. 00 " 11 " 1 Sett Silk coat Buttons___________" Father _________ 1. 75 41. 41 _______ " " 5 Skeans Silk and Twist 62 1/2 cts 1 1/2 yd B Hol- land 75_________________________prD°___________ 1. 37 1/2 " 17 6 yds Velvet Ribbon 75cts 1/2 Doz Hooks and Eyes 25cts____________________pr D°______________ 1. 00 " 25 " llb Coffee______________________pr nephew__________ . 50 " " 8 Skeans Silk 100 1/2 cts Brimstone 25cts___________________pr mother___________ 1. 25 " " 1 Flossy Cape______________________pr D°_______________ 1. 00 " 30 5 1/2 lbs Crowley Steel @ 62 1/2 _______pr Danly_______ 3. 43 3/4

Feby 1 1/2 Doz Flints______________________Do_________________ . 18 3/4 " 5 3 lbs White Havanna Sugar 62 1/2_____pr mother_________ 1. 87 1/2 " 6 3 " Orlean do_____________prDo_____________ 1. 50 " 7 1 1/2 yds. Silk lace @ 87____________pr Miss Austin____ 1. 43 3/4 " 8 1 Double Bladed Knife__________________________________ 1. 00 " " 1 pr Morocco Slippers_____________pr Mrs Weber ________ 2. 37 1/2


Feby 8 To 1 Comb_________1_____________pr Do___________________ . 43 3/4 " " " 1 pr Fine Shoes_________________pr Hammond ___________ 2. 50 " " " 1 " Coars do _________________" Danly_______________ 2. 50 " " " 1 Quire paper__________________pr order_______________ . 50 " 10 " 1 Blank Day Book______________________________________ 4. 50 " 11 " 29 lbs Iron_____________________18 3/4 _______________ 5. 43 3/4 " " " 1 Quire Letter Paper__________________________________ . 50 33.56 1/4 " " 11 lbs 14 oz Crowley Steel 62 1/2____pr Bruffy__________ 7. 42 1/2 " 15 " Merchandise_________________pr Saml Patterson_________ 6. 00 " 17 " Your Order in favr of S. Swaringin___________________ 5. 82 " 18 " 6 lbs Coffee____pr order in favr of Wm Ficklin________ 3. 75 " 19 " 1 pr Coars Shoes_____________________________________ 2. 75 ________ 25. 74 " " 3/4 yd Gauze 1.50cts____________________________________ " " " 2 yd Silk Lace 50cts____________pr Mrs Weber__________ 2. 00 " " 1 1/2 Sheneal 28 cts 2 yds Ribbon 75 cts __________pr do_______________ 1. 03 Jany 31 " 4 lbs Sugar and 2 lbs Coffee (overlook, d)____________ 3. 00 Feby. 19 " 1 Quire paper_____________pr Mr. Ball_________________ . 50 6. 53 ___________________ $583. 89 1/4

Contra C 1816 Augst 2d By 761 lbs Lead___________@ 5.30 pr cwt_________________ 40. 33 1/2 Novr 22 By 25 Bars Lead 968 lbs @ 5.00 which was credited to you Father act_________________________________ 48. 40 1817 Feby 11 By 15 3/4 lbs Powder____________________________________