George Hammond to William Ficklin, 04-12-1817
Summary: Paid by Stephen F. Austin.
potosi April 12th 1817
B Bill
George Hammond To Wm Ficklin Dr
Cash for candels @_________________________________________ 5. 75 Same for shugar @__________________________________________ 4. 69 Same for Spice @___________________________________________ 4. 00 2 shotes @ 2 E____________________________________________ 4. 00 12 doz eggs @ 2____________________________________________ 2. 00 6 lb coffee @ 50___________________________________________ 3. 00 3 gallons Whiskey @ 2______________________________________ 6. 00 2 doz hens @ 3_____________________________________________ 6. 00 paid Brinker for flower____________________________________ 5. 00 _______ 40. 44 40. 44
32 lb butter @ 20__________________________________________ 6. 40 Negro heigher______________________________________________ 6. 00 2 fidlers @ 4______________________________________________ 8. 00 dryed fruites @____________________________________________ 1. 50 1 lb pepper @ 75___________________________________________ . 75 preserves and cream________________________________________ 3. 00 _______ 25. 65 25. 65 ________ 66. 09 Advance_____________________________________________________________ 25. 00 ________ 91. 09
Cr by Stephen Austin_______________________________________ 5. 00 by 6 lb coffee @ 50________________________________________ 3. 00 6 lb Sugar 31 1/4__________________________________________ 1. 87 1/2 1 quire paper______________________________________________ . 37 1/2 5 loads wood @ 1___________________________________________ 5. 00 R Bruffer__________________________________________________ 5. 50 8 days negro woman_________________________________________ 4. 00 ___________ 24. 75
Amt of debt brot over_______________________________________ 91. 09 29. 04 ___________ $62. 05
Amt of cr brot. over________________________________________ 24. 75 3 1/2 bushels Corn @ 75_____________________________________ 2. 62 1/2 __________ 27. 37 1/2 1/3 of 100 lbs flower not used______________________________ 1. 66 1/2 __________ 29. 04
[Endorsed by Stephen F. Austin:] Wm. Ficklins a/c of Ball given for G. Hammond at his wedding which was paid for by S. F Austin.