Stephen F. Austin to James Staples, 11-06-1817

Summary: Stephen F. Austin in account with James Staples.

Mesrs. Stephen F. Austin To James Staples Dr


Feby 20th To Halling 61 bars Lead to Herculaneum 2512 lbs @ 7$ pr thsd___________________________________________________ $17. 58 1/2 " 26 " Halling 50 bars do. (not weighed) averaged by the rest @ 2100 _________________________________________________ 14. 70 " " " Halling 1 Load of Meal from Horines Mill to Mine A Burton_______________________________________________________ 9. 00 " " " Halling 1000 lb Iron from Herculaneum to Mine A Burton_______________________________________________________ 5. 00

August 2 " Halling 59 bars Lead to Herculaneum 2427 lb @ 7$ p thsd_______________________________________________________ 16. 99 " 8 " Halling 81 bars do. 3352________________________________________ 23. 46 " 14 " Halling 71 " do. 2912"____________________________________ 20. 38 1/2 " 26 " Halling 40 1/2 " do. 1616"____________________________________ 11. 31 " 28 " Halling 67 " do. 2763"____________________________________ 19. 34

Septr 5 " Hailing 67 " do. 2766 "___________________________________ 19. 36 " " " Halling 26 " do. 1069 "___________________________________ 7. 48 1/2 " " " Halling 1 Barrel Salt from Herculaneum to Mine A Burton_____________________________________________________ 1. 50 ___________ $166. 11 1/2

Sepr 20 " Halling 50 bars Lead to Herculaneum 2014 lb @ 7$ p thsd_______________________________________________________ 14. 09 ___________ $180. 20 1/2

Amt brt over___________________________________________________________________ 180. 20 By Black Smith a/c and Cash____________________________________________________ 91. 91 1/2 ___________ $88. 28 1/2

[Endorsed:] Settled Nov 6. 1817