Jonathan Rice Jones to Stephen F. Austin, 11-16-1819

Summary: Court judgments against Stephen F. Austin.

Robert Collett vs Stephen F. Austin

Judgment Rendered Nov. 16th 1819 for Damages__________________________________________ 229. 46 Execution Issued Returnable to March Term 1820 Damages______________________________________________ 229. 46 Clks fees____________________________________________ 5. 6O Tax on 2 writs_______________________________________ 2. 00 Tax on Execution_____________________________________ 1. 00 Shffs________________________________________________ 1. 50 Geiger Atty__________________________________________ 6. 00 I. V. Garvin N. P____________________________________ 3. 00 The Sheriff Returned this Execution non est__________ . 50

A true Statement

D. Dunklin Dpy Clk.

I John Rice Jones Judge of the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri do hereby certify that Daniel Dunklin who signed the above is Deputy to John Jones Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Washington in the said State of Missouri

Dated 18th June 1821

Jno Rice Jones [Seal]

Robert P. Guyard vs Stephen F Austin

Judgment rendered Novr 16th Judgement Rendered Novr 16th 1819 for Damages___________ 238. 38 Execution Issued Returnable to March Term 1820 Damages_________________________________________________ 238. 38 Clerks fees____________________________________________ 4. 30 Tax on Writ_____________________________________________ 1. 00 Tax on Exn______________________________________________ 1. 00 Shff____________________________________________________ 1. 50 Bates Atty fee__________________________________________ 6. 00 ________ On this Execution the Sheriff Returned non este_________ . 50

A True Statement

D. Dunklin Dpy Clk. [Rubric]

R. C. Bruffy being Bail for the Deft a scire facias Issued agt sd Bruffy Returnable to March Term 1821—Returned non este by the Sheriff

Issuing Sci fa___________________________________________ 1. 00 Tax______________________________________________________ 1. 00 non este_________________________________________________ . 50 _______ 2. 50

I John Rice Jones Judge of the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri do hereby certify that Daniel Dunklin who signed the above is Deputy to John Jones clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Washington in the State of Missouri—Dated the 10th of June 1821

Jno Rice Jones [Rubric] Seal