Summary: Accounts for collection. Moses Austin's assets.
Received from Moses Austin the following notes and due Bills to
wit Wm Brown's due Bill for thirty dollars dated 29th July 1816Samuel McMulling note for Twenty three dollars and fifty cents
dated 7th April 1820John Gilmore's note for Seven dollars and thirty
seven and a half cents dated 6th Sept 1809Patrick Cullens note for
$30-30 dated 2nd Novr 1810 on which there is a credit of $25 dated 1
March 1814Samuel Hargrave's due Bill for $2.25 dated 6 Decr 1817Samuel Hargraves due Bill for $5.93 1/2 dated 6th Decr 1817. Joab
Strickland's note for $8 62 1/2 dated Aug 21. 1817 on which he has a
credit for $4 57 1/2 David Aikins note for for $3 50 1/2 dated 30th Oct
1817 and David Aikins due Bill for $5 50 1/2 dated 30th August 1817
on which he has a credit for $5.25 amounting together to the sum of
Eighty two dollars and seventeen cents which said notes and due
Bills when fully paid with the interest arising thereon shall be in
discharge of all accounts dues and demands against said M Austin,
provided always and it is hereby clearly understood that if any
difficulty arises in the collection of the said notes and due Bills and the
parties refuse to pay the same with the Interest due thereon. They
shall be returned to the said M Austin who shall give other good notes
for the same, and provided also that the principle and Interest to
be received on the same up to this date shall amount to at least One
hundred dollars