Summary: Receipt for slave Richmond. Inclosure gives expense account of the Negro.
Received from Moses Austin a Negro man by the name of
Richmond the property of Stephen Fuller Austin esqr who is now so
diseased that he is not able to travel and who is placed under the care
of Doct Rivers and in case of his Removal to be placed under some
Other if Necessary, to be restored to health, now be it remembered,
that so soon as said Negro man is in a situation to labour I agree to
pay Twelve Dollars pr month for the hire of said Negro and which
money so accruing—from the labour of said Negro is to be retained
in my hands to discharge Doct Rivers bill and any other Docts Bill if
any other is employed and also his board untill he commences labour,
Unless the said expences are other wise discharged either by the said
Stephen Fuller Austin or the said Austin or there order in which
case I promis to deliver said Negro man Richmond to the said
Austin or his son or there order Death and other Circumstances not
with in the Control of the Undersignd (Excepted) Twelve Dollars is
to be allow.d pr month for the board of said Negro untill able to
labour, but if I can hire out the said Negro man for more than
Twelve Dollars pr month I am to do so and account to the said
Austin for the same.
Jany 1821 To Moses Austins bill_________________________________ 8. 50
Feby 20 " 1 pr. pantaloons for your negro Richmond____________ 3. 00
1 Shirt for do________________________________________ 2. 50
April 28 1 pr pantaloons_______________________________________ 2. 50
1 " Leather do_______________________________________ 3. 00
1 shirt______________________________________________ 2. 50
Medicine from Dr Rivers_______________________________ 5. 00
Bill paid Dr Rivers for Negro_________________________ 30. 00
May 1 pr pantaloo[n]s Richm_______________________________ 2. 00
$59. 00
July 15 Dr Rivers bill up to this time
for attending Richmond________________________________ 9. 50
$68. 50
Cr. By One Months wages of Richmond after paying for
his board_____________________________________________ 12. 00
$56. 50
To 50 lb Bacon @12 1/2___________________ 6. 25
" 2 bushels Corn for flour________________ 2. 00
20 lbs Beef @ 61__________________________ 1. 25
Sam's bill________________________________ 2. 00
Sundries__________________________________ 2. 00
Grinding Corn_____________________________ . 75
14. 25 14. 25
$70. 75
Recd a draft on A Sampyrac for the above Seventy Dollars 75/100
which when paid will be in full.