David Marple to J. Cable, 12-10-1821

Summary: Bill for sundries.

Natchitoches 10th December 1821.

David Marple Esqr Dr

To Sundries Merchandise Bot of J. Cable

1 Piece of Blue Strowding $22 pr. piece_________________ $22. 3 pair of 3 point Blankets at $5 pr. pair_______________ 15. 1 Chopping Ax__________________________________________ 2. 50 2 lb Powder at 6/ and 81b Lead 2/- ___________________ 3. 50 1 Dozen flints__________________________________________ . 25 10 lb Sugar_____________________________________________ 2. 5 lb Coffee_____________________________________________ 2. 50 10 lb Biscuit___________________________________________ 1. 87 1/2 __________ $49. 62 1/2

Col. Stephen F Austin will Please To Settle with the Person who is authorized to Settle the Estate of D. Marple and Much Oblige

Natchitoches 27th July 1824— J. Cable