James E. Brown Austin to James Bryan, 12-28-1821

Summary: The Arkansas business of Bryan.

Little Rock Dec 28th [1821]

Dear Brother

I arrived here last night not as much Fatigued as I expected; Henry Elliott, arrived the night before he left us at Cany Creek where we lost one of our horses—which detained us several hours—

I went by Mc Donalds for the horse but did not get him—the horse had been stollen nearly two Years—I have examined the invoice of Goods left at this place— and find but few that would answer— and what few would answer it is impossible for me to take on, for the want of a horse-— and time to pack the Goods— the notes you gave me I shall leave in Mr. Ashleys Hands for Collection— as you directed— I see in the invoice— 1 brass and one silver watch also 1 Gun that had been lent out untill nearly ruined— If I do take on any of the Goods they will be Madrass Hani (?) and some Beads however there is but a poor probability of my taking on any— as Mr. Eliott is so anxious to get on as fast as possible that if I was not ready he would not wait a moment for me

He got a letter from New Orleans a day or two later than yours; Stephen wished everything belonging to Fathers Estate sent to Orleans consigned to Hawkins— I shall place the things in Mr. Ashley's care and he will send them down the first opportunity—

As I have not time to pack up Your Goods I shall leave all as I found them if Mr Eliott sends goods to (Means I expect that Yours will go on also.

The notes on Crow I shall take on with me but the rest I leave here as before stated— If I had time and horse I would certainly take on the quantity of Goods You directed— I would do anything to promote Your Interest that lay in my Power—but as it is impossible for me to take them on—I hope You will [not] impute it to negligence on my part

We will have corn to pack a considerable distance and two horse [s] would be Exquisite for that alone— I have nothing more to say except that I am well pleased with the Little Rock Mr and Mrs Ashly are well also the Doc and FamilyMrs Ashly desires her love to Emily and will write her shortly love to Mother and sister

Jas E B Austin

P. S. do not forget the certificate but send it on as soon as possible.

[Addressed:] Mr James Bryan Near Herculaneum Missouri Mail