Dr Sir I Receivd yours of the 17th of December from Nacogdoches,
this day and for the sake of business shall admit Every part as fact,
and by the by in a friendly way ask you a few questions first If
you were here and was sensible that Dill had used his utmost
Endeavor to Poison the minds of the Spaniards against the American
Character would you Respect him, and when you se a man sliped
into office who by Ignorance and Lack of Education is unable to fill
it; Can you Respect him. I will go further and ask you has, Dill
the power of negotiating Treaties with Indians or of Trying and
Condemning a man to Death or of ordering a man shot without a
Trial, on the mere Letter of John Latham, has He the Eight of
attaching and selling property on a note from the United States
Now those are a very small part of his acts, but as I do not wish to
be Tedious I shall Confine myself to those and wait your answer
and if you say you would Respect him under those Circumstances
and that his Commission and Instructions from the Government
Justify him in those acts I will then acknowledge and Respect him