Stephen F. Austin to James E. B. Austin, 07-08-1822
Summary: Learn Spanish. Cultivate the governor. Do not discuss politics. Be attentive to church. Business going slowly, but is hopeful. Impressions of Mexico City.
Dr Brother,
I fear you have often gone to the Post office and returned
dissatisfied with your Brother for not writing more frequently, in fact I
have had no very important news to communicate and the postage
of a letter every mail is a tax which our funds at present would feel,
for this reason I have not written as often as I otherwise should—I
hope by this time you begin to speak Spanish and also to write it,
remember that all your hopes of rising in this country depend on
lear[n]ing to speak and write the language correctly, without that,
you will do nothing—you have had a fine opportunity this very important that I note it first before I say any thing about my
business—The Colonization law is still pending and as the Emperors
Coronation is defered until the
I am uneasy about your situation as to money and have therefore
sent you a draft on New Orleans for $50 which you can probably
sell at Bexar for 10 to 20 prcent advance, you must be as frugal as
possible and not loose one moment, you should rise at day light
and be at your studies and continue at them all day, only taking
exercise and amusement enough to keep you in health and to relax the
mind and above all things do not fall into the habit of sleeping a
siesta after dinner, you will not have such another opportunity of
lear[n]ing the language and if you neglect it you will repent it when
too late—attend to writing it, and in order to learn the spelling as
well as to improve you in the language and in your hand, write down
a long lesson every day out of some book and as you write it look for
the words you do not understand in the Diccionary, and also attend
to the parts of speech their concordance and government etc and
thus you will learn to spell the words and in doing this you must
also try and improve your hand, you see how plain the Spaniards
generally write. If you could translate well and write a good hand
I could get a place for you in the Captain Generals office as
translator worth at least $2000 a year, so that you see that your future rise
depends altogether on yourself, fortune is within your reach if you
will only exert yourself to take it—and all the exertion required is
close study for 3 or 4 months—Try and be intimate with Governor
Trespalacios and if you can get into his office to copy and write forclose application,—I shall
probably not be in Bexar before the
This city is truly a magnificent one, as regards the external appearance of the buildings, and altho I at first thought it not larger than New York, I now think after a better examination of it that it is much larger than any city in the U. S. and much more populous— The population however is very much mixed and a great proportion of them are most miserably poor and wretched, beggars are more numerous than I ever saw in any place in my life—robberies and assassinations are frequent in the Streets—the people are biggoted and superstitious to an extreem, and indolence appears to be the gen aperal order of the day—in fact the City Magnificient as it is in pearance is at least one century behind many other places in point of intelligence and improvement "in the arts" and the nation generally is in the same situation . . . [Eight lines are here torn away.]
Should anything of consequence happen write to me directed to the care of Dr. R. Andrews Saltillo and I will get the letter as I pass—Remember me very particularly to the Baron and speak to him about the surveying for H. Elliott write me to Saltillo how many families have moved in since I left there etc—