Since I last wrote you, we have had a Multiplicity of business on
hand which now begins pretty much to Subside and it has always
been my wish to preserve peace and concord among the settlers and
have as little Litigation and dispute as possible, but in all New
Countries we find a few Turbulent and troublesome persons who
will not appear satified with any procedure however mild and
altho' I have appointed but one officer who acts in the capacity of
constable to summon witnesses and bring offenders to Justice, yet a
few Complain of the expence which I thought as reasonable as
could be allowed for the time and trouble of so disagreeable an
office, to wit at the rate of five Cents per Mile, as for my own part
I have not yet made a charge for my own service and time which you
know is Valuable to a man in a new country with a large family and
I now only beg leave to remind you of former promise to send me
some Rule whereby I may in future be for the general good and
peace of society this goes by the hands of my friend Lieut
Morrison a young [man] of merit who carries dispatches to the governor
Genl by whom I trust you will forward me some code of laws of this
province and the common usage of conducting business in Civil and
Criminal prosecutions etc
I shall always be glad to receive any Communications from you
and beg you to accept of my sincere wishes for your health and
welfare and believe me to be