James E. B. Austin to Stephen F. Austin, 05-25-1823

Summary: Concerning a business transaction of Gov. Trespalacios. Good crops. Commerce.

Bexar May 25 1823

Dear Brother,

No one can imagine with what pleasure I received my dear Brothers letters, from Mexico, and Qeretaro of the 15 and 23 of last month; the very Idea of your having left Mexico and that I shall have the satisfaction of giving you an embrace in course of a few weeks, I can assure you alters very much the muscles of my face and removes that "pesadumbre" that has attended me for the last twelve months; You wish me to give you all the news; At present I am void of information that would be interesting to you I had communicated to you everything of note in letters sent to the care of Andrews in Satillo, which I hope you will receive when you arrive in that place—There remains some business to be transacted in the city of Monclova, which if you can attend to will save some trouble.

In the year 1822 Dr Victor Blanco the Brother in law of Musquis in Compy with Dn Franco Madero of the city of Monclova went to New Orleans to purchase goods—Madero and Musquis returned in the sloop Only Son owned by J. Hawkins, on their arrival in this place, Madero not being able to raise the money to pay his part of the freight (which amounted to 450 dollars) gave his note payable in 60 days, with Trespalacios as security after the expiration of some months, L. Hawkins to whom the note was given, called on Trespalacios for the money he did not find it convenient to pay it as Madero had not remitted him funds to do so the Business rested so untill L. Hawkins left this, he put the note in the hands of an agent and partner, a Mr Dimitt, for collection he immediately presented the note to Trespalacios, who refused to pay it and stated as his reason that Madero had not sent him funds to do so with; and that he was about to start for Monclova and would convince Sor. Madero that he was not bound to pay it. Mr Dimitt accordingly forwarded on the note by Dn Alexandro Treviño, to Dn Victor Blanco to collect the money. Now if you. could make it convenient to collect the money Dimitt wishes you to do so. the money is J. Hawkins. If you do not attend to it he (Dimitt) will have to go himself to Monclova the Doctor [James Hewitson] is in Monclova and can give you some information on the subject the Dr is my most Intimate friend I sent a note I held against an officer of the Dairango Troops for $20 to the Doctor to see if he could meet with any method of collecting the money. Intercede with him to sell it at most he can get for it if there is no opportunity of collecting it.

The settlers are in the best of spirits their crops look beautiful The season has been remarkable and they will raise more corn than they will know what to do with

Santiago [Rubric]

P. S. Do not forget to bring me a Spanish saddle and galapago, and also a Spanish Wide Brim, White, Wool, Hat, I understand they are very cheap and it will be almost impossible to stand the prairie without one—