James Hewitson to James E. B. Austin, 05-26-1823

Summary: Commerce. Trespalacios declared a traitor.

Mva [Monclova] May 26, 1823

Dear Bobby-

I have just had the pleasure of receiving a copious shower of your communications, in one of which was inclosed a receipt of Dn Jose Angel Rodgz Pro of Durango for collection - I am sorry to state that this recpt can not be sold, or collected first because the military Gent, is not well known and secondly because the great distance does not permit the recovery, the amount of writing and answering letters to Durango would more than ballance the acct. Dn Victor tells me there is no prospect of recovering this money -

I regret that I cannot forward you at present the Galappago. as they are not made here I have sent on [to] St Louis [San Luis Potosi] for one for myself sometime back and were I apprised of your wishes timely, I would have sent on for one for you - I have recd. two letters from your Brother one from Satillo, the other from Monterey from which I have learned that his business has eventuated happily for him and the settlers - Your obligation is here inclosed - I wrote to Stephen at Mt. Rey and have not as yet recd an answer this morning I have seen the decree of the executive passed against Trespelacios declaring him a Traitor and Rebel - you may judge the result - he has lost all his employments, and I fear those Gentlemen in your place holding offices will have to bear the brunt of the curse - Stephen can tell you the whole affair.

Madero says he forward the money on to the Gov to pay Hawkins, and also had written and enclosed a draft on the Govr. for the whole amt. of the obligation - that Mr. Hawkins had not answered the letter inclosing the order, or any of the other letters on that subject, that therefore his silence had manifested his conformity with the Govrs. responsibility, and exonerates Madero entirely - Madero has shewn me in his books that he has paid the amt. of the note to the Govr. and that the last remittance was made through the medium of Dn J Beremendi which was 150 Dolls, whom you can ask I know Madero has sent on the money to pay this through the hands of the Govt. and I believe the Govr to be the defalter Mr. Hawkins ought to have informed Madero, when he recd. his order on the Govr. last Novr. that it was not paid and consequently have it protested, but instead of this he holds over the order without acquainting Madero that it was not paid whereas at the same [time] the Govr had been furnished with funds from here to meet the payment of the draft - now the Govr. is gone to H. and Madero will not consider himself bound to take up the matter saying that Govr. is Hawkins [ob]ject I have seen the acct. between Madero and Trespalacios, and know Madero has not failed to send on to the former the means of liquidating the obligation - tell your Brother that there is no other feeling here at present other than purely republican - I shall write him particularly on the subject by the next post, and communicate to him the project, already spoken of -

And untill then I am

James Hewitson

Much hurry and no time for compts. -

[Addressed:] Al Ciudadano Santiago B. Austin Bexar