Capt Dixon to J. B. Bailey Decr. 1—1823
Decr. 7 To Making four Shirts______________________________________ $4
Do. By pork and Venison at Sundry times and Board__________ 5. 75
Do. assumset by Stuart_____________________________________ 1. 25
Do. By assumset Hutchison to Jeter_________________________ l.
Jan Do. To one Axe to Milborn__________________________________ 4.
Do. To Soap By Stuart and himself__________________________ 1. 25
Do. By McCormick one pair Leather pantaloons_______________ 4.
Do. To Magason Leather By McCormick________________________ 1.
Do. To Corn at Sundry Times________________________________ 9.
Do. To Making one pair of Pantiloons Dupangh_______________ 3.
Do. For Taking Care of Horses and feeding of one___________ 10.
Do. for one pair of Socks__________________________________ 1. 25
39. 50
Sept. 30 Capt Dixon to Tools lent Going to New Orleans—
To one large Chisel and hammer and Skillet and Two Gun Locks
and Two Leopard Cat Skins_______________________________________ 13. 00
39. 50
$52. 50
[Endorsements by Austin:] Recd payment for the within a/c of
fifty two Dollars and a half from Stephen F. Austin May 16 1824.
J. B. Bailey
Proved by S. Richardson and Dixons hands