Unknown to Unknown, 04-01-1824
Summary: Alcalde's court docket, April 1, 1824.
Docket for the District of the Brazos during the Administration
of John P Coles Alcalde for the year
Name of suits and date of sums sums Proceedings on Names of Day of tryal
date of filing issuing return- served. return day Arbitrators
petition summonses able
Thos. Boatwright 3 20 14 Parties adp. Randal Jones Feb 1
vs Wm Pett[u]s Arbitrators and
Name of suits and Proceedings on Stay of Exn. Appeal bond Execun. Satisfd Recd.
date of filing day of Tryal and names of and names of
petition. and judgment Securites Securities
Thos. Boatwright Judgment Stay untill the appeal ord. issued Feby satisfd $50
vs. Wm Pett[u]s for $50 Dlls 1 March Feb. 20 R. 21st return- debt $2.50
Jany 1 $2 costs R. L. Kinny Roe and able on the costs
John McFarland John Doe