James E. B. Austin to Stephen F. Austin, 05-15-1824

Summary: American settlers in east Texas resent the order to move to interior and blame Austin for it. Character of settlers in east Texas contrasted with those of the colony. Rumors that Austin's colonists will not get titles to their land.

Aish Bayou May 15th 1824

Dear Brother.

I wrote you from Mr Clarks a few lines but the Musquitos were so bad I could say but little. I find this section of the country are very much dissatisfied at the appearance of being driyen out of the country. It appears the American Settlers fowarded a petition on to Bexar requesting information on certain points—Mr Dill and Gains— state the Deputation treated it with much contempt—declared every man should either move on to the Brazos or leave the Country this has exasperated the people very much— The general opinion here is that you and the Baron are the Cause of it—consequently they are much exasperated against you— There are also many reporte in circulation as respects the certainty of your grant etc etc—this part of the country is settled by Industrious farmers who have opened large farms which are in a fine state of cultivation in fact if the Brazos was settled by just such it would be a fine thing for us all— the intention of many of those who are settled here was to move on to the Brazos—but owing to the late order they are determined not to do so at present. I have convinced all I have conversed with on the subject that you feel as lively an interest for the American Settlers of good character that are established here as on the BrazosMr McNeils son expects to go on to the Brazos in the course of a few weeks you can satisfy him as respects your Inocence of the [order].... [torn] it would be satisfactory to many and many of them would go to the Brazos.—

Mr MeNiel states that some one must have made a misrepresentation to you respecting his disposition towards you—he intends writing you by a Gentleman who starts on in a few days—B. Baily when in this Settlement behaved himself in a most shameful Manner— and when he started Mr McN. missed some of his horses—it is supposed he (B) took them and sold them for cattle—a man by the name of Lynch—Baker—Lanehorse thieves—is said to have gone with him.— I find that Baily being permitted to remain in the country— and Bunch having murdered a man on the Brazos and permitted to escape—and many other things—combined—discourage people from moving into the country—and they stop here—I have nothing more to say—to you—the Sabine has been higher than ever was known Capt. G—states here that it is extremely doubtful whether the Settlers on the Brazos will obtain rights for their lands

Jas B Austin