Stephen F. Austin to Alcade of San Felipe, 05-25-1824

Summary: Announcing Bastrop's election. Indians.

The Government of this Province by their official letters dated Bexar May 10. 1824 have informed me that the electorial Colledge of this Province had on that day unanimously elected the Barron de Bastrop the Deputy in the legislature of this Eastern internal State, and the Lieutenant Colonel Subdeacon Don Juan Manuel Sambrano Supernumary (Suplente) to said legislature—

Also that the most excellent Deputation of this Province have declared war against the Toweass Indians in consequence of their having murdered Peter Longueville an inhabitant of Bexar

Also in answer to my Official letter giving an account of the affair with the Carankaways in the bay Prairie the Government approve to the mesage sent by me to the Chief of said Nation by John Austin when he went to La Bahia which was that all Indians of that nation caught on this side of the Guadaloupe would be treated as enemies untill they came in and made peace and satisfied the inhabitants of this Colony for the depredations committed on the Colorado—which message the Government have ordered the Alcalde of La Bahia to repeat to them—ordering me at the same time in case of meeting any of said Indians to call them first as friends before they are fired upon—

Also they inform me that a Regiment of troops is on the march to this Province for the purpose of protecting it against the Indians all which you will communicate to the inhabitants of the district under your charge in the most public manner—

San Felipe de Austin May 25. 1824

Stephen F. Austin

To the Alcalde of St Felipe de Austin