Colonists to Congress, 06-04-1824
Summary: Proceedings of a meeting to instruct deputy in State congress. Slavery, election of local officers, jury trial.
[June 4, 1824?]
We the Inhabitents of the lower part of the Brazos are unanously
in favor of Slavery being admitted we likewise wish to have the
previlage of alecting our own officers both civil and military and
Chester Gorbet Henry Hartzell Asa Mitchell Eli Mitchell James B. Bailey James Kelson William Gillman Wm Singer Wm. Roberts Wm Hall James Crunk John McCormick Joseph Callaham J H Bell Patrick Dowlearn Benjamin Fowler Joseph Dupong John Jones Smith Bailey Cornelius Smith Shubael March David H Millburn John Castleman W M Berry Thomas Davis John W. Teten Wm. Harris E. E. Bradley Saml Fav John Bradley S M Garten O. H. Stout
[Endorsed:] Opinion of lower Settlement of Brassos relative to Slavery