Thomas M. Duke to Stephen F. Austin, 06-xx-1824

Summary: Waco and " Towaash " Indians.

Wacoe Village June — 1824

Coln. Stephen F Austin

Dr Sir this will be handed you by Mr. Beard who is going down as an express we arrived here a few days ago and met with five of their Nation in the Village they appeared very friendly towards us the rest being out on War parties against the Osages and a buffaloe hunting yesterday Say ten or fifteen families came in and we had a talk with them they denied positively the murder of Tumlinson and likewise the stealing of any horses from the Americans or any knowl- edge of those that had committed those outrages and from their conduct appear to be friendly disposed towards us we have seen one Sorrel mare mule marked with the brand that you requested us to enquire after but have not as yet made no demand for it being in hopes that we may see some more that have been stolen— A fiew Minutes ago two Wacos came in and inform us that the Towaash Indians had started with a party that half were to go against the Spaniards and the others against the Americans, they told us in the council that the Towaash Indians were enemies of ours and wished them to go to war against us but that they would not concent to it the Towaashs live some where towards the head of this river about Six days travel from here—We have consulted amongst ourselves and think that if you approve of it that now would be a fit time for us to make a campaign against them as we have a faithful Chicasaw Indian with us who could pilot us to the Towaash town and now is the time to strike a decisive blow as we can keep it secret from the Wacoes and will be certain to find a part of them in their towns when we may destroy their corn etc We have acted pretty independently since we have been here and I am certain that a campaign would make [them] take care how they tamper with the Americans we shall wait here fifteen—or twenty days for men—to come on and in case we start before you come on we have preconcerted signals and marks with Beard who will know them this town is situated on the West Bank of the River about half a mile from the River they have a spring almost as cold as Ice itself all we want is some Brandy and Sugar to have Ice Toddy they have about four hundred acres planted in corn beans pumpkins and melons and that tended in good order their Village consists of about Sixty houses built in pretty good order I think they cannot raise more than One Hundred Warriors, one of the Tawackanaw towns is about three miles below this on the opposite side of them consisting of seven houses their principal town is some distance from this on the Waters of the Trinity for any particulars enquire of Mr Beard

Thos M Duke [Rubric]