J. Cable to Stephen F. Austin, 11-20-1824
Summary: Commerce. Return of the wagons sent by Austin to meet his mother and sister at Natchitoches.
Dear Sir, I Received your note by Mr. E. Allcorn, on the
1 Barrel of Whiskey 33 1/2 gals 5/__________________ $20. 93 3/4 1 Barrel of Flour___________________________________ 10. 00 Part of a Barrel Buiscuit___________________________ 6. 00 20 Carrots of tobacco______________________________ 10. 00 40 lbs Sugar at 15c_________________________________ 6. 00 20 lbs Coffee at 40c________________________________ 8. 00 two Bags 4 Lbs Chocolate_____________________________________ 1. 50 for Sugar 1 Trunk_____________________________________________ 4. 00 and Coffee 6 and 8 penny Nails 40 Lbs at 15?___________________ 6. 00 75c 2 Pair Shoes _______________________________________ 5. 00 _______________________ $77. 43 $78.18
I would have Loaded the waggon but it was not in my Power at this time I have Like wise made you a Present of 1 quarter Box of the Best Spanish Sigars and a Lot of gardenseeds the Best I could find and a number of Other articles which I put in another Sigar Box which I thought would be of use to you, and a great number of news Papers of the Lates Dates, and I inclose the Letter your Brother wrote in this Package I wish you would write me when you Receive the articles and whether you get them all will you be good enough to forward Mr. George Smith a few of these news Papers after you have Don Reading of them, when an opportunity offers and you will much Oblige your friend
Pr Mr Allcorn