Timothy Flint to Stephen F. Austin, 11-29-1824
Summary: Asks Austin for an article, Texas and the Provincias Internas, to be used in "Recollections of ten years spent in the valley of the Mississippi."
Alexandria. Loui
I had formerly the honour in Missouri to be known to your late father, and to have been introduced to you, when, I believe, a member of the legislature of the then territory. The impressions, that remain of that acquaintance, and of conversations with my lamented friends the late Mr Elliot of St Genevieve, and Col Hawkins of N. Orleans, embolden me to make a request, which after all, I feare, you will think extraordinary, teased, as I presume you are, with numberless requests of a similar nature. But, perhaps, when you shall have read my motives, you may think of my request with more indulgence.
I have resided, as a missionary, and as an instructor, ten years
in different points of the valley of the Missisippi; two years of
which have been spent in different parts of this state. At the
request of many respectable friends, I am about to publish a work,
entitled recollections of ten years spent in the valley of the Missisippi
The very great interest, that your settlement, and the province
of Texas excites in this country, and elsewhere, induces me to wish
to append to my remarks upon this state and the territory of
arkansas, some authentic notices of the adjoining country of the
provincias internas. No person, I presume, is so well qualified
to impart that information, as yourself. If you would have the
goodness, by as early a conveyance to this place as may suit your
convenience, to give me some notices of your country, and of
your observations generally in Mexico, it would be to me the highest
favor; and, possibly as various and contradictory representations
of the advantages, and disadvantages of emigration to your country,
have gone abroad authentick information by one, who has always
hitherto taken the favourable side in this discussions, may not be
disadvantageous to the interest of the Settlement.
The points upon which information is most earnestly desired
are limits, form of the coast, soil climate health—government and
tenure of lands etc. But I would be exceedingly thankful for any
kind of information upon your province, and the country
generally. I am promised from some very respectable gentleman notes
upon the ill fated expedition of Toledo. I would be glad of your
views upon that subject, as well, as the expedition of Long. In
short, any thing from you, or any authentic information from
any source, would be most thankfully accepted.
If my declining health admit, I expect to go
gratefully and respectfully your friend and hum servt.