It affords me much pleasure to have it in my power to
introduce to your acquaintance the bearer My worthy and warm friend
Mr Thomas Hooper. Mr Hooper will not only be a valuable
addition to your society from his personal merits—But from that enter-
prize which in a new and growing community like yours is so
inestimable. He carries with him an industrious and respectable
mechanic—in conjunction with whom should the prospects justify
the attempt—he intends to erect a saw and grist mill and cotton
gin. Undertaking like this cant fail to be of public benefit, whilst
I cannot but wish that Mr H will be pleased with your settlement—I regret that any circumstance which would not be to him and
his family a positive benefit—should deprive his friends of his
society, hospitality and unlimited friendship.
I have strong hopes that one of my Junior Brothers, will locate
himself in your neighborhood—and I think it is not very
improbable that I may visit you in the course of the next Summer.