Sir Haveing some claims of Land in your country I am though
a stranger restrained to solicit some Information Relative to the
necessary requisites of your Government on such Claims. My two
Claims one to Gregora Mora Signed by Cortez with an Instrument
of Grant following signed by Jose Cayetano De Zepeda Situated
five miles South of Nacogdoches and extending to the Junction of
Cany or Carez with Angelina or Orhillian River warranted to me to
be 10 000 arpens Spanish. Gregora mora sold this to Monsieur
Reliquet whose widow without Issue married Capt Martin Despalier
a Spaniard who together with his wife sold it to me in Alexandria
La. the other signed by the same Zepeda Sandick [Sindico] and
Attorney at Law of the town of our Lady of the Pilar of Nacogdoches
and its vecinity this last is translated and reads that in the year 1796
in Conformity to a preceeding decree that Don Joseph de La Vaga
and Pedro de Lara, from the place called Patron-cito about 18 leagues
from Nacogdoches with a view to put Don Santiago Fin in possession
of aforesaid place Patron and after stating much ceremony puts said
Fin in possession of this Royall grant of Land States him to be in
possession sole master Owner and Proprieter of two leagues square
or in every direction of the wind. This I am told is near the Sabine
where the Road crosses it between Natchitoches and Nacogdoches
was given or sold by Fin to Daniel Kimball who sold to me in 1819
Since which I have determined to reside in Texas as soon as the
Government of that country become setled and haveing learned that
it had attained a tolerable setled and desirable state I should have
visited my Lands and your Settlement this Fall But my business
being such as to require my presence generally at Home I have sought
this method to relieve myself from uneasy feelings arising from
consious neglect of the claims. I wish to learn from you what the
Settlement of Emigration is in the country generally and
particularly in the vecinity of Nacogdoches If you are informed But more
particularly anxious to know what the disposition of your
government is towards Such claims and from such information as you can
afford I can Learn what necessity if any there is for a visit to the
country before the fall of 1825 at which time I expect to settle myself
in Texas and probably will be best pleased with your Neighborhood
I beg to be excused for and should not have troubled a Gentleman in
public employ but Haveing no acquaintance to rely upon have
troubled you with this communication If no return of Favour ever
falls in my way must ask you to receive my sincere thanks You have
been spoken of to me by Docter Charles Douglass of our Town who
says he had some acquaintance with you in the City of Mexico and
who expects to accompany me to the country Being myself almost
totally Ignorant of the Country and its Government, Such Other
Information as you can afford such as Relates to Slavery Religion
etc and such common characteristicks as attend the country will be
Thankfully Received By your's with the Highest Considerations of
P S Haveing just benn favrd by my friend Douglas with a
communication from Mexico which stated that the seat of your State
government was fixed beyond the Rio Grande. I would like to know
when it would be in Session and If my grants would require their
confirmation to secure them to me and as I possess the Art of
Surveying would Like to be informed If the Bussiness is encouraged in
Texas and If so what paid for in Money or Land