Since my return home the influence of John I ClarkeMonk an
others have put Mrs Page quite in favour of moving to the Brassos.
it is by her request that I now write you to request that if it is not
too late you will reserve a League of land for us. if proper you
may enter it in the name of Mrs Eliza Page widow of the late Wm
A. Page and her three sons or in my name if the above should not
be proper Mrs Pages object in that Country would be to make a
living by keeping a house of entertainment, for this purpose I
should require two lots in Town a joining as one would be too small
to hold the necessary buildings and stables, I should likewise stand
in need of a Labour to furnish firewood and timber as well as raise
corn and vegetables for the family—If I can arang my business as
I have a prospect of doing my plan is to come out and put up the
necessary building in the Spring and then move out, I wish you
would write me in answer to this which must determin my coming
to the Brassos—- I wish my Idea of moving to the Brassos may not
be made public as it would injure the sale of my improvement here