By Mr. Smith I send you a few news Papers [from] which you
will see the Result of the Election of President of the U. S.John Q. Adams has been Duly Elected, we have not much news
more than Mr Smith can inform you, thare is great hopes of the
United States becoming Peaceable possession of the Province of
Texas as far as the Rio grande By a letter Mr. Johnson Received
from his Farther in Orleans Last Saturday, he advises his sone to
not sell his land claims in Texas that in conversation with some
gentleman in Orleans he states that our Minister to Mexico is
about to conclude a Trety with the Mexican Republic for the
Province of Texas— the Rio grande to be the line between the
two governments. I hope you will Reserve me a League of Land in
some good Place on the River Brassos or Colorado, Mr Smith has
spoken to me about a league on the colorado Perty low down you
would be the best judge of that I shall be out in may and Esqr
McGuffin says he will come with me without fail sickness excepted
The led [lead], I have tried evry Person to take it out that was going
out I may get Mr. Payton to take some out in a week or two, if
you should want any thing from our Place pleas write and I will
Send it out to you Pleas to give my Respects to your Brother and
Pleas to accept my best and well wishes towards you, and blive me